
matt walker

  • ashley davies goldGold - Ashley Davies (Strange Loop Recordings)

    Before we start... it's always about the songs. And "Gold" is magnificent. 

    But wait, there's more...like the pattern of a walnut...

    Every now and then something quite special arrives at my Internet cabin in the woods. As you may or may not know, I've edited a couple of Australian Bomber Command books - first-hand accounts by two then-young men who answered the call and flew the missions. 

    Those books have brought me into contact with other people, and some of their stories (such as the the wish-he'd-been-a LRP Ranger)... and they also raised the eyebrows of a chap called Ashley Davies.

  • penny2021GIGS:

    Adalita - Melbourne Town Hall
    Adalita performed in the magnificent space of the Melbourne Town Hall, with J.P. Shilo playing the four storey-high Grand Organ. They were accompanied at various stages by Adalita's band, plus backing vocalists Charm of Finches and The Letter String Quartet. Adalita's emotive and well-crafted songs were driven home by her powerful guitar playing and the brooding sound of the swirling organ. A contender for one of the best gigs I’ve ever seen in my life.

    Ed Kuepper and Jim White  - Rising Festival
    Ed Kuepper and Jim White opened the ill-fated Rising Festival in Melbourne at the Comedy Theatre and what a show it was. It felt pretty exciting to be at a gig in another iconic building. There was also an element of fear - in this seated though crowded space, was I going to get out of there virus free? All in the name of rock ’n' roll!!!

    The Rising Festival had an eclectic, artistically challenging and ambitious programme of events but unfortunately was closed down on the second day due to you-know-what. Another one bites the dust.

    Liz Reed photo